Geophysical Survey

Trusted Geophysical Survey Company Ohio Valley Archaeology, Inc. is the leading cultural resource management firm in Ohio for near-surface geophysical survey on archaeological sites. Dr. Jarrod Burks is the director of geophysical survey and interpretation at OVAI....

News & Research

News & Research Gist Settlement by Jen Pecora | Mar 22, 2018 | News & Research | 0 CommentsOhio was a battleground state before the Civil War for people of color, especially those seeking freedom and those who had been freed through manumission. A multi-year...
New Earthwork Located at Hopewell Hilltop

New Earthwork Located at Hopewell Hilltop

OVAI and Ohio Historical Society archaeologists located a new earthwork inside the walls of the Hopewell hilltop enclosure at Fort Ancient, which was built about 1700-1800 years ago. For more information go to the Ohio Historical Society website and search on Fort...